
 Tone Value

References: tv party [black flag], anarchy in the uk [sex pistols], sugar pie honey bunch [the four tops], it's catching up [nomeansno]


agent provocateur

Morals slacking, tentacles tingling, old habit octopi arms, jumped the gun. Maxwell's silver hammer wasn't as cool for the Beatles, just a fact of life. The shock of acid shuffled all limbic connection, new logic of narcosis gave order, could be integrated into moneyed lives, for a while. Eventually one must wake from the white night, give way to the black coffee day. To fail to reject that order, and fail to die, requires extra-judicial killing by fanatic, citizen of the welfare cosmos cancelled. Or citizen of the marmalade skies. Yeah, that one. Cut me some slack, I haven't done this writing thing in a while, hardly. It's all for some purpose that'll be revealed. It's part of the Q plan, and I don't mean Qanon, I mean Q from Star Trek, it's Q continuum shit.

Billions to be made from a music catalog, still. As it happened, the billionaires became trillionaires, and Tesla stock spiked up to 880.02 USD +63.98 (7.84%) [Closed: Jan. 8, 7:59 p.m. EST], and Season 5 of The Expanse came out, and it's a fucking banger, got that Star Trek Discovery Season 2 energy, and people like me watched it, and regained a glimpse of being a starry-eyed dreamer, while still being a doomer, hedging those bets, keeping money in a GIC, keeping the market at arms-length, as if I really could, any more than I could friend-zone my vacuum suit. At least a space dystopia implies we hung on and made it to space, and there's beauty in Luna hotel rooms, if you can appreciate the modern gothic ring-gate revival style. Maybe Bezos will bring about something like this. I'm being thoroughly provoked by the temptation to root for the Belters, even after they killed millions of Inners with asteroids, am I being revealed as a hollow extremist, lusting for blood I'd never stomach in reality? Well that's the point, I'd never stomach it in reality. I guess in the end, I'm a good citizen, inconsequential, I'm part English, I know how to queue. If there was such a thing as a leftist maga movement, at the last minute I'd preserve institutions, if I was forced by some embarrassment of living history to say the false equivalency is in fact equal. This is purely academic.

We all gotta be so careful not to get culted now, the greatest trick the AI pulled was convincing us it didn't exist, making us think we out-witted ads. I'm worried the war I kinda want til it happens will be stopped by the middle I'd probably be if it came down to it. That's the Expanse bet, borrowing against the lithium ore I mine in the meanwhile by thinking a space colony will be available before the landmass floods. By shortwave virtue-signal of valuing technocracy, I'll get my vaccine and then I'll get a shuttle. A corrupt meritocracy is the only alternative to Hell System, let's say, to the preservation of any joy anywhere, Epic Bacon Fucking Science is the only way, hook your brainstem to the STEM brain. Or at least I'll be a surplus human lump of shit and be on some kind of shitty future UBI. I'm not a space cowboy, no Epstein Drive engineer. I guess the name Epstein needn't be tainted, and there can still be born Adolphs and Georges and Donalds that can accomplish much good.

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...