

Slouching Sopo Riff
after the night shift

He sprinkled sand in my eyes
and realized my dying wish
with angelic compromise

don't need to move my lids
arrested REM and memories
crust in airy-fairy dust
liquid fate to dream of drugs

chemical keys, my psychedebris
concentrate on lethargy
prisoner in paisley
pant leg rips further at the knee

someday the cliched curls will wrap around the spikes
wrap up all the mysteries, warp my geometry, solve for A to Z

someday all fantasies will realize
someday i will be a drug, some day i will fit a receptor
i'm just a pile of chemicals, they will be of use someday, nature recycles

quasi-life is good enough
better than my average day
saved up some perception
now i'm sleeping through the sunrays
circadian syncopation
off-life beating fetal retro
quasi-living limbo laying low
eggshell never meant to crack
surface sorry to succumb
i say it's okay, i'm here now
seesawing back and forth
had planned to send a cheque today
forgot to ask for more pay
doesn't matter anyway

slouching forward, thinking backward
way before the diviner's mint gave me a glimpse of plant consciousness
dialing, divining, diving into the vegenet, my human node exploding, splattering in gooey bloody personality, runny residuals of boiling built-up breakdowns, flat earth planes and brainlobe limitations spilling down the jungle canopy's genetic memory, happy birthday earth day, hey, it's Earth, father monkey saying hi to this honkey, gotta flee, got a flee on me, can't shake the parasites, they became entrepreneurs, crazy history, did Earth foresee?

Don't know what happened to my blood, I think it was replaced with a sugar-free substitute, nutra-sweet bromide indigo faux-royal, not quite blue, and my veins are tattooed with second-rate cells, and they form the obercell that is me when i think i'm higher than a monkey, tripping on modern history, hallucinating evolution, but the empire never ended, and Earth's reign continues, and gnosis is in the plants, as always, complicated chemistry, as complex as me.

When noise turns to signal, math arises, apes ascend, the cosmos starts to fit together till your perception catches up to your extrapolations, chaos has the final laugh, you wake up in the raspberry patch, you feel this fruit, quasi or no, good enough for me, soporiff reverbs the next phase, what lies ahead? Have fun guessing but you can't outwit the Sopo Riff.

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