
Oliver Stone

If I were an American neo-con, which I’m not, since a) I have a brain - b) I have a heart – c) I’ve got courage (plus I'm Canadian) I’d be pretty pissed off that Oliver Stone is making THE movie about 9/11. And of course it’s THE movie, after all, it is Oliver Stone. Love him or hate him, he carries weight. He’s definitely the man to cinematize the tragedy. I doubt he’ll turn it into liberal propaganda. Maybe he’s even gone all jingoistic and realpolitic in old age, who knows? Maybe Vietnamese scars do heal. I don’t know. But I know I’ll probably check it out.


Dez M.E. King said...

i dunno, the last movie he did he tried to be as realistic about Alexandar the Great as he could with a special emphasis in his bisexuality (if that ain't liberal i don't know what is)...so I'm guessing he's going at it from all angles. I'll definately check it out.

Hector the Crow said...

You're a joy, netinous.

666poetry-finchnot said...

just think about how much money old stone will reap

it's all about the all might ee


who really gives a fuck about the truth

stone can make the truth what ever
he wants / & the general public
will soak it up as "god's truth"

i mean cause we all know / / it was the iraqis / i mean it was bin laden / i mean / it was the fucking arabs / uh / the american gov't? / it didn't really happen at all ? / uh / actually it was the canadians / yeah yeah / those fucking canucks man

they caused 9/11 / yeah yeah
that's the ticket


Hector the Crow said...

Well yes, the almighty dollar, of course. But Oliver Stone is rich, it's not like he needs a quick hack job to make ends meet. He's an artist. I think he wants to make a good movie. And I tend to like his movies (although not all of them). Don't know if 9/11 will be good or crap, and knowing Stone it'll probably only graze the truth, if that, but he is talented at finding the poetic truth in historical events.

666poetry-finchnot said...




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