
serpent excrement

Look where we've come to, from
transcendence to mediocrity ~
hypocrite, meteorite of muon flash
then back to the atmosphere of emissions
this strange coal-black attractor, sweet crude
settling like ash on a land-owner's square, marked
for the next decade of industry to feed the pie-fighting
politicians under ground, breeding the next gen with black
cock-masks protruding ejaculate tubes, click, flick, come, swoosh
vacuum-sealed semen, the progeny we'll never see during this life
of manufactured sobriety, with the cherokee treasure still calling me
cause I saw it in a movie, with the real hallucinations whimpering of a bio-chemical end, with the diviner’s mint tiling me into the solid material exterior to the cursed chemicals for five minutes of perverse perception with razberry pointing to the edifice of the secret, painting the artifice of the secret, trying to enlighten me to her reality, with me lying on the couch in the living room, sore back, one wet foot phased into the jungle, a pattern of neurons spread through moldy bread slices of hyperspace and the moving image of eternity with all the semi-digested trips boiling and toiling in my guts, reaching fingers out of my throat, more more more, no matter what appalling inhuman vibrations claim to be the true nature of this species, laboratory neurorhythm rubbing me against my own grain, rubbing me down into the ground, deeper through quartz crystals and mantle-broth, frothing fractals, synthetic sinews of the earth's inner-lords, rubbing out into the sky, the celestial arbiter cataloged in radiowaves saved in silicon, hard drives, soft lives, soft as the grating flanged synthetic vibration of this evolutionary cul-de-sac, microcosmic death, species a feces wheezing failed breath, shat out of the snake, illuminati symptom resonates cosmic hierarchy, turtles all the way down.

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