
Sweet Tooth

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This is something I threw together while nauseous, wired, depressed, and recovering from dental surgery. It's total musical slop-art and was finished in a few hours


this is gonna be fun

what did i do?
what did i do?
what did i do?
to make the beauty go away?

what did i do?
what did i do?
to make the beauty go away?

what did i do?
what did i do?
what did i do?
what did i do?

was it my fault?
was it my fault?
was it my fault?
was it my fault?

i think it was my fault
i think it was my fault
i think it was my fault
it's an excess of medication

that's what you get
for your sore sick sweet tooth

that's what you get
for your psychedelic sweet tooth

that's what you learn
from your pointless experiment
for dubious meriment

remember those innocent times, when you'd ponder the mystery
of pain that wasn't painful?

did you ever think you'd find beauty that wasn't beautiful
(i apologize for this crude loop)
good that was bad?

syphilus syphilus syphilus

and my heart feels like a mouth full of sores
take it from me, a guy who's had mouth sores
i know the value of a mouth without sores

it can be funny or artistic, which is it?

i'm trying to sing this song
with a mouth full of bloody gauze
and a head full of half-filtered codeine
it's not ideal but it keep me going

i dunno where

somewhere over the rainbow
bluebirds fly
glenda the good witch
gets a penis from the wonderful wizard of oz
oh my, oh my, you go girl

what did i do?
what did i do?
what did i do?
to make the beauty go away?

are we having fun yet?

and the sickness
sweeps through me
taxed synapses in society's decay
intellect meet opiate
opiate meet intellect
forget your agenda and your chemical vendetta
there's no new way to say hooray

your guts are empty and your head is full
your stomach is groaning from the codeine swill
nature abhors a vacuum, ya grok dig groove on that?

beta waves got a message for you
small sick cycles, high frequency hum
whining meaning, forever lucid
why did i do this again?

here we go round the mullberry bush
here we go round the mullberry bush
this is the way the world ends
not with a bang but a whimper

alpha oasis
ativan stasis

silicon synth B
it's the silicon forest of luxury
when they chop it down, naturally
you'll feel the reign of pain

but walking in the winter snow
I've got a Joneseylocks itinerary
her golden hair still draws my stare

she's walking home from school
a teenaged blond
she can take the baton
oh yeah

are you challenging me to a snowball fight, sir?


and purpose is retained


if happy little bluebirds fly
oh why the fuck can't I?

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