I hardly ever agree with the right wing, but the whole rioting over disrespect of the prophet idiocy makes me want to hurl. No, I DON'T respect the prophet. Can you deal with that? Maybe there are more important things to worry about - like, say, the fact that no one in power seems to give a shit about what we're going to do when the oil runs out, or the war in Iraq. Freedom of expression, it's the future, get used to it:

Oh, and fuck Jesus too.
you forgot moses
see it goes
moses, jesus, mohammad
jewish texts, bible, Qu'ran
the holy trilogy
"moses i know
i know you've seen fire
but you've never seen fire
until you've seen Pele blow"
(best fuck you moses ever got was from a little witch named Tori)
yes, most of the conflict is between Islam coming head to head with Modern-ness. Christians went thru the same thing about 400 years ago. Why you so friggin' high and mighty - you've got modern-ness, you think it's soo cool, you think everyone should go to the same school - snap out of it, hey, look around, disown your traditions and climb aboard the modern-ness gravy train! Shit dude, give them some time - it's really insulting to their religion to a) make an image of mohammad and b) make fun of him. That shit would have gotten you burned at the stake in Christendom before the scientific revolution...just cos we get it now doesn't mean they do.
I really can't believe you're on about the prophet, like Jesus or Mohammad or any of the other figureheads ever really figure in to the actions of people...
Ya honestly think it's about a fucking picture, man? Honestly? Or is it just another reason to bitch at the West cos we're a bunch of assholes to the Middle East? That's not modern-ness at all...Think about it.
ps that pic's a hoot
no more vir-gens...
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