
The itch

The urge to solve the mysteries - to sort it all out - has always been with me. It's an itch that needs to be scratched. But now I'm weary and sick of the itch, and scratching it is just a response to the maddening persistence of what I see as problems and paradoxes on this level. My attempts at philosophy are so the itch doesn't drive me insane. It used to be that I liked the itch itself, as well as the scratch. Now I'd rather be numb, but no anesthetic really works for me.


Dez M.E. King said...

mystery doesn't do it for ya, huh? so what do you do when yer presented wit a mystery...just look at it's slightly inviting, mystic stare and go huh, some other poor bastard can slug thru that?

Hector the Crow said...

Exactly. It's kind of like watching a David Lynch movie.

Hector the Crow said...

Hey Jenn - you probably relate more than you think you do.

Hector the Crow said...


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