
E.L.P. where’ve you been all my life?

I’ve been a “Tarkus” enthusiast for years now, but today was the first day I heard “Brain Salad Surgery”. Fucking amazing. Carnevil 9 rocked my socks off. It’s crazy how much this material sounds like the style of music I’m evolving towards, although ELP are often even more uncompromising than I am, going for dissonances that I’ll often shy away from for fear of rendering my songs inaccessible and confusing. Well they’re fantastic composers as well with a great ear for what works, so they can get away with a lot.

The Mars Volta are the E.L.P of today. Relentlessly accused of pretension and bombast. Decades from now, there’ll be an audience of musical sophisticates who appreciate TMV, and there’ll probably still be a crusty old group thinking themselves to be sophisticates, making the same complaints. People like the Pitchforkers, who ought to be writing for fashion magazines.

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