Our guilt would be somewhat mitigated, or at least easier to deal with, if there had been any real reason for this war. All wars are terrible, but some are justifiable. This was not. It was a frivolous war, perhaps the most abstract, pulled-out-of-thin-air war ever launched by a world power. It was dreamed up by hollow men who had never experienced war themselves, who made the decision as if playing a board game, and were supported by people who convinced themselves that the world was a board game.
Read this in Salon today. One of the best columns I've read on the Iraq war in years. You'll have to click through a daypass to see the whole thing. It's worth it - well, if you're the kind of choir boy who likes to be preached to anyway. Lest I sound like one of those self-righteous canucks, I don't think anyone who was or is against the war should have to apologize.
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