
I was absolutely crackers last night

If I said anything inappropriate, sorry. I wrote a lot of email. A lot of E mail... get it? Of course, this is one of those second guessing mornings. I love people - sometimes a little too much. Sometimes I go too far with the expression. Oh well, I suppose it's better than depression. Really, no one could possibly care how cool I am as much as I do myself. My self-imposed standards. Hey, if it's cool with you, it's cool with me.

Counting tree rings in the silicon forest. I guess I'm not totally hollowed out. I still have poetry. I have good friends, and good family. I cracked myself wide open last night. So things are messy. Don't know how to feel about it. Can't get a hold on the overcast aesthetic this morning. The crystal ship is being filled. But I'd rather chill at the harbor.

I definitely need to write something, a bulletin, navigate the 2nd through 7th guesses. Towers of glass and steel.

I might feel like hiding from the world for a while. The experiment went awry. I don't want to stick around and be blamed for the results. By that, I mean the experiment of being cracked. There's a Sonic on a space colony, solar fuel.


Matthew Rounsville said...

Nah, that email was classic.

Thermonuclear Hermeneutics.

Matthew Rounsville said...

That's ok, my mom calls me mindlope, too. & thanks, most of it is really Jonathan's though, I'm just the repetitive guy.

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...