
State Bounded

I'm still shaking. Somehow. Externally? Internally? I can't tell which is which. I wish gravity was less oppressive than it was. But aphex lightened the load a little. A lot sometimes. In those xtal peaks. Really. It should pique everyone's interest. A sparkly cavern into the pulsating power of the mind. Or olde golde words, powdered off into the night. See, this is a perfect illustration of "state-bounded" learning, encoded into my opening statement. You have to be in the mental and physiological combo you were in when you learned the thoughts, the feelings, the behavior, the, whatever... sometimes, the imprints don't imprint, unless you're in a finely-tuned state of mind. Thus it becomes a deja-thread.

Revelation was right behind the corner. But it was shaking. A seizure. Ego-bounded, state-bounded. It's all quite relevent, even if poorly expressed. In mishapen order. It's been a while since sucrets. I regret getting rid of my last batch. It's calling me.

Escape mechanisms. How can you escape if you don't know what you're escaping from? Maybe that's an escapist thought. And state bounded. Muddy the waters, intentionally, consciously, till nothing can possibly resemble truth. Reveal the rusty anchorage biases of those past plastered futilities of thought. Fuzz. If the abyss is near. Need it be?

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