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About a month after Timothy Leary died, Wilson received an email from him that said, best that I can remember, "Hiya Bob! Heaven is nothing like I imagined, it's a lot more crowded. Be seeing ya!"

He always figured it was a prank easter egg that Tim had put into his computer. I guess now he may know for sure.

- urbanagora

Robert Anton Wilson died yesterday. He's the man who turned me on. Found him, my last year of high school. Didn't know anything about anything. Then I started reading his books. Illuminating to say the least, very influential. A lot has happened since then, but he feels like an old teacher. Instrumental in my intellectual foundation. "The Earth Will Shake" is still my favourite of his novels (and books). Before that, I had no real passion for music. The story of Sigismundo Celine supercharged my interest, kicked off an obsession with classical everything, literature, philosophy, but particularly music.

Rest in peace, RAW. Or not. Whatever you feel like doing.

1 comment:

The Lettershaper said...

I very much enjoyed reading my way through here...wonderful stuff. I will to link you, if I may.

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