
zenvice: the story of virginia crucian veraprima

blessed be the ego stratification

free free free
can't complain
free free free

self-obsessed self-fuckers

what the mother fuck was that?
a scheming woman in pink - it won't matter

blessed be the wrong i've done
it's nothing much anyway
a little slack now and then
now i'm glad not to do anything
i don't owe anyone anything

nope, bleep bloop blorp music is not gonna do it for me

early attemps at conspiracy theory parody, almost useless now
self-reflecting archaeologist - arch romantic, arch enemy of the knowing

she killed herself on calm
the calm summer camp
took up smoking that summer
in the woods, a puff on a menthol
that i smelled in my dreams, finally decided
it was alright, finally could enjoy nicotine without self-reflection
appreciate the taste of tobacco, appreciate its open arms, it's
all in how you look at it

so, benzos were the next logical step, whatever she could get
the blog posts became mainly for her own benefit, had only one other link,
to that freaky jamie, with her tap into the welfare spring, lucky bitch
how did she get that? Mung had a page too, of course
he could access it from his body console, the main purpose of which
was to allow him to communicate with his human brethren
the neurotic and disfunctional bunch he hung around with
who couldn't be taken to polite society
or successful society
middle class american entreupreneurhood
or anyone really - it was like a rogue state splinter, the people's front of the factory

hey, it's time for the william tell routine
it's the only way we're gonna get into annexia

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