

the hype is over
the rush is on
the business of living
opens the floodgates
sensation accelerates

yes, this is the good batch
the one that works
the many many crystals

i'm trying to get on a robust recreational plateau
that will probably contain glowing arches of profundity
that i can use if i want

wishful sinful couldn't work better
better boost while i can
just get this off to a flying start

okay, acceleration of steak and potatoes meal
de bauch
but not exactly
it's been a while
what is appropriate?
it's a quick switch flick
and here we go
i remember the taste
remember flecks of paradigms - it fits into a pattern
it burns sometimes
it hurts sometimes
i feel sometimes
i love sometimes
i remember sometimes

most folks don't know how to behave
when paradigms change
beheads and bledilliocious

yes - here here here - another eternity for you
i forgot these thing were here
strange tastes and flanges...

strange tastes and flange sand witches... it's a trip
it's why we're here - it is where we've been - it's where we are going - wow. i feel the pull...

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...