
fuck you all

good god it's empty
shallow talk

there's nothing to say
nothing to write
nothing to play

it's not chemicals
it's not seasonal affective
it's life and how empty it is
so i don't care anymore
how i sound, what people think
fuck it, it's nothing anyway
it's all fake, it's all distraction
if you can believe in it, good for you i guess

this isn't a fake downer, unfortunately
it's a real one, cause reality is a downer
it's self involved people
i'm one of them, but i try not to be
but i usually am anyway

it's unfulfillment
why do i bother trying?
there's no future

can't even make this artistic
what's the point?
artifice - fakery - emptiness
badmitton in the woods
pathetic association
but it's real
a real association
what does it matter
the drugs don't work
what did i drink that coffee for?

i don't know why i'm writing this
i'm fucking depressed
fucking depressed
this is so ugly

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