It's meaningful because it's the title. Sentence case slipped. Will regain an arbitrary foothold. Contradictory binary code, it's one or nothing, attempts at both short circuit an already short circuit. Confusion isn’t confusing enough, means too much. Transcribing as poetry, like it's art or something. Any perception is, in the right context. Machine language. Plug into me. I tried to plug into you. What did I do? Didn't drink enough. Not the natural intoxicated attempt. What god intended. Proof he loves us and wants us to be happy.
Enjoy your politics. Incidentally. Yeah, I'm a political junkie too, like people are football fans. It's not like I'm involved. I will be involved when it gets down to it, more than I want to be. Involved, down to the tripwire, the necessary tripwire. That'll be my death, on my overcast afternoon walk in the remilitarized zone, one of those purposeless walks, into a purposeless death, the poor bumbler who hit the tripwire. When paths must be blocked with landmines, because not laying mines is a worse alternative, when the moral code is binary. It's not something I like to think about. I'd rather think of poppies. But enjoy propping up the mormon with the electric handshake. Good luck. He might have a prayer, maybe too many of them. Too many prayers and not enough celebrity. Cause star power is what wins elections, these days. It's a popularity contest. In a business context. That's how you become king - you don't kill people personally, you aren't expected to get your hands dirty. I had the decency not to spam forums with my odious political affiliation - yay me, not garish but dullened. Politics stinks, but so does everything else. Down with everything. Even the winner is a rat.
deleted a whole other post - it wasn't adorned enough - it was like a jandek rant - it embarrassed me - i should have done like the jandek and release it as an album - instead i will release an album, finally, with cover art and everything, in 2012, a sublimely worked out solo statement, focus grouped for the benefit of my demented demographic, the ones who like alliterations and dissonance - mellow with mike, i relate to those folks in middle age burnout, less and less apologetic about their concern with comfort
such a sad time... for me
and what does anyone owe me?
i don't know, but i'm so empty
but i don't extrapolate, cause my only sunshine
is an ex-patriot, gone from my country
gone for good, and happy
and it's not that everything's fake and hollow
no, it's worse than that
there are real things
that aren't for me
that torture me with their reality
yeah, that's more like a jandek rant, except slathered with the gravy
of my personal idiosyncratic idiocy
believe the hype
i will hypodermically love you
from the bottom of my plantation
hand in hand and we'll jump right into that pool
the astute of you, that is, blogger scholars
of the future, you precocious year 2012 time travelers
will notice that this is the season
for quoting random metal lyrics
the up-level irony being that people
those not-schooled in period metal
will take these out of context references
for profound statements
i did not mean to blow your mind
but that shit happens all the time
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Got no one to talk to, so I’m venting online. So, I really tried to hustle this week. Applied to five places. Even with the xanax it was har...
Actual composition instead of an hour-long improv indulgence, 'sbeen a while. I wanted to call it The Dandy Whoremonger, but settled on ...
of Pavlov's slow mutant variety. Synesthesia was push-button easy in a dream, and the fretboard was an open book with a deep index, so e...
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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...
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