

Killer context is always suspect - if you shelf it like that it will fall like that in these crumbs we deal with here on creek street, here on creek street it will repeat, it will loop, i it will l l it will frag it will frag ment like that and that's what we like so that's what we do i rolled into this snowed scene in the snow one snowblindazed but this ain't the epiphony, just anotha monday but i'm trying to put everything in it and choose every letter cause there's never been a better time to bare arms or arm bears, bare all the tentacles of fantastic redacted scholastic madness on this, more powder means more consistency and i did pay for the priviliage, those paper notes go far in this day and age of powderered wigs what an infogluton i am, indeed - and itall falls like this here on creek at three in the morning, is contra working on a mix? it's as crazy as can be and is adding punctuation sundering nations? or am i just as comfy as can be?

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...