
hey you

i love riding the ride - that's why i came here in the first place - it's the starship enterprise capstone - or something - now i snap my jaw - and all space falls into place - ladies and gentlemen - thinking is stupid - i so brilliantly say - haha

mean mean people, telling me i don't write anything worth knowing - i know, i know - it's okay - let it roll, let it riddle... let it ride - i am OUT of it, whacked out, remember that? what is left? silly little stubs of cigarettes? i guess i like it best online, haha, when i'm flattened to a plane between dimensions... fuck, nothing, drifty solvents - solvents are always there - i have more words for you - i could write more stuff - hey you - i referenced you

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...