


when you can't just perceive

i wanted to ask her interpretation

not as coherent
writing very profound seeming thoughts/feelings
in little out of context poetic fragments
as it would be if i was giving context
straight explication

but, there is also music, sometimes
give me geekdar
then it will fall into place
the scales of justice

how to disappear completely
become invisible
at your beck and call
but an unneeded servant
but i fucked it up
to provide a poetic fragment, of no use
which radically changes the context
but what use is that?

still the weekend
still traveling

bounce off the cold vibes
find the warm i guess
i nixed the idea of comparing notes with a fellow paranoiac
who's more chronic than i am, would hate to be this paranoid all the time
i'm blaming it on the greenhouses, and the dao, both of those things
inability to face
victor consumer
of the chili cookoff

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