

naked slash \\
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pretty much broke the ice last night
debauched -- it's morning in america
jack and jenni's
not a fashion show
unless you want it to be

asdf lkjh
sdfg ;lkj

easter baskets
creeper corridors


drammy rations
sufficient soporifia
hazelnut drowse for the demi-urge, half-gnostic
room for error, sun-drenched, graceful gravy, amputech

everybody's cool on the lifeboat
drifting past the god-glorifying speedboat
subtext is visible

i remember the power jacket
i could wear it again
and walk around carolina
might be a life vest
for a dead-weighted mind
leaky, bound to drown
despite the buoyancy
of these strange and beautiful creatures

haze and horizons
photographs, clear conveyance of fading significance


there will be laughter, again
receptors will receive, again

what's with the maritime metaphors this morning?
i don't want to know because i'm sure the answer is mundane
answers usually are
gonna write my bogus memoirs of a viking career
on the porch of svalbard station

when you learn enough about suffering
you turn to the six strings

~laptop~ rave on the breakfast table
incest on a macro scale
tryptamines in an altoids tin
i've had enough tagging along on shopping expeditions
to last me several lifetimes
no music day, no meta day
bastille day without the connotation of decapitation
depose the panel frames

neo forgot about the soupy goo, he's real now, a real boy, keanu

toxin tea
xtreme chai
same strip, different state
different people, different idioms

suppressed possibilities
wave wavey wave wavey wave
literary retreat


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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...