
profound paisley poetry

this won't mean anything in the morning
so i'd better write it now
while it's real

silk paisley fabric
ripped from a complete pair of pants
bought from a thrift store in kansas for cents
acting lampshade
2x paisley, folded
classique serif fractalocutus

golden brown
texture like sun

i post here so that everyone can

everyone can

see the crystals
hear the crystals
taste the crystals
they're kind of piney, a bit like vinyl, and they'll rhyme, yo

paisley wasn't used or abused by us crazy guys tonight
contra and kita veto'd the scarf, i told luc:
fuck contra, i order you to wear that paisley fragment as a scarf
but then i felt stupid that we were both wearing paisley scarves
like i need any points in the homo column
it's not the paisley, it's the matching
i'm secure in my heterosexuality and paisley
it's that 0.05% that fucks with me
so i ditched the "scarf"
and write of the paisley fabric draped over
my newly installed 100-watt bulb
to make the moodlight right and not too bright
until the smell of burning starts

my subconscious is asking for a raise
says he can't live on minimum wage
i say i can't afford to pay him any more, sorry
wish i could help him, and i know he didn't even want to ask for that raise, but
we're all under the thumb of cerebral corporate cortex coincidence control office

there's crystals though
there's crystals and caves, there's stalacs and stalags, they make you feel brave, them make you forget, forget who you are, forget who you were, see who you might be, be who you might see, some might feel free, sometimes, and we're changing meter NOW da da NOW da da NOW. Cadence. Yes.

- sincerely,
the most pretentious ass in all of europe

edit: edited 4 times, what a douchebag

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