
mormon music reviews

sponsored by killing technology - we're joined at the hip in an ironiclusterfruck, and uh... you DO know how that goes don't you? pat pat

pat pat patterns
oh amon
silly packages
of silly things
oh amon
silly strings of meanings
silly meaning strings
amon tobin

crazy ribbons and what is it they say about the jay, is he an artist, or a narcissist? or a car crash? a trainwreck? a hurricane? a drop of dew? yo. u. 2. i had to, you know, you just lol gotta go with the flow, especially things are bouncing, you know you can do better but you better not try, the record labels are gonna come and make us all feel, uh, whatever. White Sucrets Solution. Grocerypharm slanted, this town needs one of those old things, so say i, at the behest of this song.

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...