
breakfast with hector

breakfast under duress

never again will i acknowledge their consciousness
never again

yes, i know, genocide flows like blood through the veins of demography
killers are fecund, they will reproduce, their deeds will recur
but it must never again happen to us
or at least me

i'm going to take a dive in a shallow pool
throw the fight, gets me through the day
another opportunity to break the fast
breakroom confidential
would you like some pepperoni on your intermezzo?
tombstone pizza
but no siesta yet
forget i said anything

nobody better call in any favors
i dosed heroically on psilo shrooms last night, barely slept
today i'm a rusty squeezebox, wrought, wrung out, dry
trying to work, succeeding, barely motivated by my paycheque
i think i'm owed more than i owe anyway
nobody better call in any favors
you don't want to calculate
and i'm too tired to calculate

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