
south of heaven

wow, feels like summer again, warm in my head - why do i do this? oh right, because i went to that dimension where everything was perfectly set up for me, and extended a tendril through the many filters of this veildance... uh, or maybe something like that

yes, life does seem mystical when you do drugs
it also seems like you're living in a music video

hey, am i becoming the chemical matrix?
am i the exemplar for the molecular matrix?
avatarexamplar, planting, ranting

nothing does its job, body itches, screams, cries to what source? no source, no source anywhere - i am scratching but it's worth it - i like the craziness - and i have my beautiful new chair - obsessive self scratching experiments -- are you watching me? like, really, what does one need? hehe...

need a mark and make no mark - need a mark and make no mark - again and again and again...

anduh wrong approach, kindof... let's hope the skin heals...

holy shit classic itchy collusion awareness of two dimensional realirt WTF/..=/????


1 comment:

paulette said...

love reading your stuff

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