
sex girl patrol

trying to stay awake but i'm trying to sleep but i'm trying to stay awake - do you want a quarter or an eighth? how bout them digits?

betty says: i'm not a drinker, really... daddy never made much of it

yeah, and i'm not much of a farmer, i reply - always wanted to be a chemist though - how bout them digits?

there's a brewery right in town, btw - there's a storm coming too, it may not be perfect but i'll take it - i'll take that violent shock of hair, candy coloured - time and again i told myself, i'll stay clean tonight - well i have for five days and five nights - i could for another - it was nice to wake up to your voice - i'd get out of bed for you, even if just to supply your sister - i'd get into bed for you too - i'd stay clean for you - i'd do drugs for you too, if it would allow me to be confident, and connect - but something tells me i don't need to

being myself, not a chemist - what a concept

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