

why? cause it's extra, i guess - i guess i can, maybe i was blue once

what less is there to say
still so many things to undo

fingers knuckles joints, so ready, so flexible
life works for me, music sounds tinny, everything is trivia

masonic infolayers, splatterns, arabesque
meaning is emotion and emotions are chemicals

i can't hear jello biafra thru the noise - i can't hear you thru the noise - i can't hear you thru jack - the sunken thrufare - still getting the job done

the sunken thrufare - still getting the job done - mumblz glitchop hopeful, hopefully something to focus on when the senses regain control - - -

- - - and now that you don't mention it, so many sad things i could think about if i thought to think of it, people i used to know - well, most people i know, well, you know, fuck it, it's trivia, flotsam, a speck of tobacco grit in the bloodstream, it's not supposed to be there - trixie turned her last trick - no wait, she'll turn another one, but this one's the last, for real - okay, one more - alright then


i remember why i liked edificial amputechture, bubbles house bubbles house bubbles and nary a speck of collapse

i promise i will find and pursue my calling
even though i abandoned catholicism
and just now remembered in catholic school when they told me that
christians, the real good pure catholic christians, the cream of the crop, you know
the ones who picked the right church, inevitably succumb to their calling, the call is coming, and when it comes, you'll know what to do, you'll know whom to serve

well, i never served actually, i wasn't a server
i was a dishwasher, i was the colorful character on the sidelines
i was allowed to run my mouth like a all night bus,
although i wasn't that colorful, i would have regaled the kitchen staff
with hinterland travelogues, but i'm not a chatty type

but i promise, i will find my calling
somewhere around solstice, dark clarity calling
i mean theoretically, the egyptians framed me

it might be a dinner jazz trio, but i will sneak subversive mutterings about the plurality of reality and the melancholiness of alcoholism and hallucination and medication and quote keith jarrett, because he's an elder statesman now, and i'm the up and comer, an amateur of course, but reverent, irreverently

1 comment:

paulette said...

awesome, very Jonathanesque

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