



flutter shutters

blank white pages

pianos banging

brahms explained it to me

cosmic family sorta fascimile

there was a purpose, his style is The Life, what I didn't like now Rings True

Beautiful, Masterbedrooms

my drawings

merzbow interlude, noisy, showing me
what the soul really is, as i lie in bed
a plumber's pattern, plumber's crack
and the dumbing down of
brilliant fractal froth below
bellows organ bellows organ bellowss

maybe mint is okay for re integration
chocolate mint protein

here we are again, cover er ed
white expanse

ppp pp p

fff rr r

notes ss s

black and white ee e

what can i say? ,

google does not exist

outside is still snow

chewing on mint
another bach cantata
rachmaninov regrets...
chopin's b minor sonata, nineteen minutes, all has been said
russian psychologies
saddled with the 20th century

net’still down

bouncy bouncy
bouncy – prokofiev – bouncy

fear in a handful of dust

de planes are taking off
spiritual k planes where all your ducks are in a row

duck duck duck duck duck duck


remember, sort of
who i am
but it’s okay

long sleeve shirt, good
checkered like my drawings coming into everything
irving welsh gridskin organ

melding isn’t always all that cool
but interesting

pine boxes
i can see cases and caskets

people need to be where they are



thank you for the other

nasal maintenance

listen to jimi jamming on voodoo chile
holy shit that ketamine is STRONG

finally a track comes on i don’t want to hear
skip mozart
deltron – mastermind

“yeh, you godda give ‘im dat”

sketch strung space


getting weird

think i’ll leave it up to unconscious now

Blog Exclusive

I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...