
i still think about nukes a lot... do you?

i know, it's passe, what more can one say?

but it's a new age, you know, it's Ophoria, the honeymoon before we realize, he's just another president

mutually assured destruction, that's why we need nukes
isn't that the conventional wisdom?

i know, arguments and rebuttals have been worked out in exquisite detail in decades past... i'm trying to decide what i think about this, getting back to basics - if i had power, decision making levers, where would i stand?

i'm thinking,
the fact that we have all these weapons lying around
is troubling, disgusting, and no, i don't fit it into some
kind of zen vice thing, "ah, well, humans are quirky creatures,
the shenanigans we get up to, it can't be helped, you give monkeys
a supercharged cerebral cortex and they're gonna split atoms
and figure out how to create a critical mass

and after that...



ended WWII?
was it justified?

carved on the wooden picnic table in mexico

Metallica And Justice For All, AK-47, Terminator 2
I can't remember if metallica has two 'l's or not"


No, it's not a goddamn zen vice, it's not something we can live with
i think we should declare ourselves sane
and disarm immediately

yes, i still think about nukes
because of that acid trip i had a few weeks ago
where i was 100% convinced i was seeing the eschaton
the sad end of humanity, we all said fuck it,
we aren't worth saving
and nuked ourselves

maybe i'm still jittering from that last acid trip - maybe if i stop taking psychedelics i will realize that the apocalypse is not immanent... hmmm....

tarik ali was on kootenay co-op radio, pakistani commentator, he seemed to know some shit

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