
why don't people respond to me?

it feels like a conspiracy
it always does, in the ebbs

need is fine
sublime, like grapes on the vine
reflecting sungod's light
no flaw in the design

but feels
things about me

polish the fruit for the market
clean off the dirt and the bugs
that's what we do
that's what we're here for
that's what we stand for
fresh fruit
fresher fruit - produce

let's pretend i have everything i need
cause there are so much more needier than me
and truth be told, i'm bored with the needy
but rarely bored with my own need
dissection isn't sexy
nothing to offer but entrails
one day i'll answer the spam email
one day i'll stuff silicone in my cock
one day the desperation will bear fruit
i'll devour and be done
treat the best things
with the same disrespect as i treat everything
it's my right, i can and will, disrespect

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