
The hardworking part-time dishwasher’s manual for sublightenment: The sublight is only found without. The deadlight is merely found within. Stephen King thinks he’s got a copyright on the word, from his 1981 novel “It”, but I’ve got a copyleft on the singularized variant.

Was working in the kitchen, and randomly flushed back to one of those hippie dippie convos we used to have at lakeside park. You said something about the number three representing or being infinity – oh, and here’s the beauty part: for HUMAN consciousness. At the time, I think I kind of nodded my head and pretended like I understood, but I didn’t really. Almost thought it meant nothing at all. Now, just now, I get what you were getting at.

Was smoking a cig and reading “The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment” on the porch this morning. Wasn’t feeling as guilty about it as I normally do, cause the guide said it’s okay. Being, being vibrations, duality, it’s all duality. And it’s so perfect and beautiful and true – but is that all there is? Feels eerily limited, makes me claustrophobic. A dull and dour cosmos. It’s a creepy feeling I get. Limited for US, as humans, anyway. Strange situation. Anyway, it just hit me what you were saying, about the number three. Humbling to think that what you had a handle on, way back then, is something I just figured out.

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