
day labourer in the netherworld

Oh, I'll just tell myself it didn't go through.
You know if I had something going on right now
I wouldn't have written to you.
I'll just tell myself it didn't go through
cause you know, it's probably true.

Oh, even though I have no face to save
I wish I hadn't written to you.


Tasha Klein said...

i cannot get to the yuku. and it is friday nite .. where else am i suppose to go? i was there and then bam! locked out. page load error, Address Not Found. last time this happened it took days before i could get back in.
how are you? someone should start a new board at a different place.

Anonymous said...

i'm back in. lol..

i don't know why i always come here to you to bitch about my internet boohoo's lol.
hey, during down time .. quess what i found.. mr dilato. .

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