
opt outlet

i'm meditating
i'm killing policemen

i'm not sleeping,
i'm meditating
how dare you accuse me of anything else?
i got rhythm
who could ask for anything more?

i'm killing policemen on the shower floor
i'm standing, under the warm spray
next to the vast room with the pool
and standing under the warm spray
while my friends play in the pool
and when people ask me what i'm doing i say
i'm killing policemen - i'm doing my part

i'm not sleeping
but my lids are heavy
i can't care if play-dough is alive or dead

he's waiting in line, to buy a square centimeter
of bedding from a megastar's hotel room
it's only a buck - it's capitalism
i'm the customer service rep
but it's a slow month
not like the boom days

1 comment:

Tasha Klein said...

i am turning my music up louder. it will only hurt the neighbor for an hour. i hope u come to the ag chat tonite. ~~~ berobbi ` word verification.

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