

Urination is getting something done. The aim is subpar, granted, but the intentions are fair. They'd get a gentleman's C at Yale.

Becker's hunting mice. The world's still lazing along where the sun's set. I take it the bright boys and girls of my generation are building better machines at MIT, maybe they already sold their free energy generator to the multinationals that are pimping fossil fuels while they're still sexy. Technocratic capitalism, of a sort.

The pesticides in your head, my generation's Bob Dylan, are 1 part per trillion. Yes, they're there, can't deny it. But in statistically insignificant amounts. Or let me put that in a way you won't sneer at and turn into another song lyric: Insignificant amounts. In other words, they don't have any effect on your health. All those trace amounts of toxins and otherwise interesting substances in aggregate, on the other hand, well, that's kind of impossible to calculate. But I like when I get bonus chemicals. I consider it good fortune, better than I ever got from a cookie. Every Good Bear Deserves Fentanyl. You think these cats love us? I think they do. It's just hard to separate love from food and shelter and pesticides.

      to imagine
          breaking off
              the chain
                   i keep
to the wall

imagine there's no heaven
i quote that because it's from a song that's famous
because it was written by a famous person and it's got a nice chord progression

okay, i got out of bed today
after the most recent patch of half sleep
wandered outside in my perma clothes
and chopped some wood, it made a pleasing sound


Tasha Klein said...

hey U, good stuff! my word verication is cousene lol

Anonymous said...

u know, htc, i wish u love.

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...