No one's discovered this human resource yet - just as well. No gain, no pain. Why be a dancing monkey? They call it laissez-faire. The market doesn't demand labour from me. Maybe it would from a dancing monkey. I'm not inquisitive enough to find out. I am inquisitive enough to listen to Adam Smith's theories.
It'll be more of the same, with a tinted windowpane. Just a friendly warning, the plane is coated with volcanic ash, it won't last long. Which diamond vest has an interest? The leaders of tomorrow are beyond my ken. But I smell of Husk Musk, and that's all that matters. Hammett solo.

There's nothing to buy at the corner store, plenty of porn on the comp, medication will continue to block the groove. Well, I guess
this is how it will have to be.
This is how California crumbles, this is what the HTML code allows, this is how the world works, this is how my body feels, despite whatever I do or don't do, or think or don't think. Today it's that "abdominal" pain, a blast from the past. It could be a Hopi prophecy, I should consult the rhomboid oracle, it will clarify self-made destiny, not just for me, but for everyone. I don't find solipsism comforting, for the record. I don't find moral relativism tasty. But those objections were overruled and have been stricken from the record.

Item! It's Juneau fever. It's not a dream. Too bad, there was phencyclidine in a barrel, in a gulag dream. Dreams of work and phencyclidine in a Khazak lodge. It's in the top margin. Holy shit, shards look so good I could cry. O synthesis.
Join our quest for blame! It's the only thing that got me out of bed. If we could wield it, it would be better than the wheel. Imagine. Just don't blame me, if I'm leading you down the garden path. See, it's scenic, isn't it. It's a scene, anyway. Of a sort. Assorted scenes.
I know, I'll walk to the store and buy an energy drink, like I was gonnoo.
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