
Retinal Grain

yes, i've finished a new song tonight...
Mike Hodsall on guitar
Janet Smith on violin


desperate cause i have no inner strength
deprivation, in a hibernation
bed bugs help me to hallucinate
same old nothing, dead weight

you ask me why i'm so quiet
you ask me why i'm so quiet
it's not my place to speak to you
i speak only when spoken to
i speak only when spoken to

i don't hate them, i just look that way
i love them too much, i was made that way
it's not the grimace of misanthropy
it's precognition, it's my destiny
don't wanna be who i'm supposed to be

i'm sorry i'm so sick
i'm sorry i'm apologizing unneccessarily
i'm getting used to vomiting
it doesn't purge anything
except the day's overdose

desperate cause i have no inner strength
mercy fuck granted 2028
it's a date, it's fate
made a good enough impression for a second to cash in
post apocalypse

no reason to stay awake
no reason to stay awake
bedbugs bedbugs

i'm sorry i'm so ill
a desperate invalid
you wear designer clothes
i take designer drugs

i'm sorry i'm so ill
a desperate invalid
i can't take care of you
you won't take care of me

i wish i could take care of you
i would i could be the one
i wish i could take care of you
what do you do with the drunken sailor?
too bad for me you got someone

reptilian riddle
in a limousine tryptamine
reptilian riddle
in a limousine tryptamine
don't ask me what it means

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rpm challenge going well?

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