
fuck the fucking pixies

they're not that cool

just wanted to say that


chels said...

am i allowed to feel like i've been bitchslapped? cuz i kind of do.

Hector the Crow said...

hey chels... sorry, just being goofy - if i had the power to bitch slap, i would only use it for good, ie, slapping bitches, not innocent pixie listeners

Hector the Crow said...

and i'd been watching this cutesy-cutesy indie-pop movie "scott pilgrim vs the world", in whose universe the pixies are the gold standard of cool, so i just had to fire off a round to settle my nerves

chels said...

i hate scott pilgrim. but don't tell the other geektrons, or i will never live it down.

and i don't like ALL pixies, just the good pixies.

my verification word is "muccluel"... it is making me think of particularly sludgy oatmeal. had to share.

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