
fold tab A into slot B

ugh, how can i get rid of that bright white serrated sidebar demarcation? couldn't find any setting in blogger -  does look nice with briar's artwork on top though

oh i see, it's bound to the text color - damn

oh wait, if i use a different template... well well - now i should actually write something for this pretty little blog - damn this drop-off - what am i, a fucking musician now? nah, screw music

1 comment:

chels said...

i think it looks awesome! nicely done. btw, i was feeling "screw the music" today too, and then i found my moldy peaches album. THAT, my friend, is music for every occasion.

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...