
self-circuit surplus lap

too many dreams and drughouses

maybe all i can write at this point is fragments suitable for dnb stock, ministry of sound radio
vowelize every consonant, ford every stream
and pitch shift that bar and drop out everything but the drums why don't you?
don't you wanna try my crazy idea?

and napalm the reference hedge, ember to ash
pretend i'm not ahead of every curve, including the curve
that's supposed to preserve mathematical balance

stepping shaking over the gutter below those focused with wobbly vision on unstern, chasing the dragons up and down, more synthetic than organic, but it's too twisted together to tell the exact percentages

when you buy the synthetic, at least you know you're getting crap
you don't have to fret about organic scams and schemes
when you join facebook, at least you know you're opening your vein
to corporate-industrial-military datamine bloodbank central
just accept it's out of your hands, embrace convenience that balloons
to a plague of locusts that're so alluring, they're features, not glitches
they were glitches yesterday, but today they're smoothed over
even more finely filtered than before
precise cross-platform pollination for steadily sterilized interaction
purpose sharpened to the nanometer, surface turned to atomic dust

yeah, and a vowelized cross rhythm wubbing in my left channel
dust banger, web scrubber, for the sake of - 
what they called flow ten years ago - what i called precise detritus
seven years ago - 

never been more estranged
even from my best friend, even in death, whatever that is
is it gonna turn me full bore atheist? i don't think so
just getting more or less what i expect from the universe
no answer, no clue, nothing paranormal
but i'll make it up to him
somehow, at some time
when i'm a little more human and whole

indecent and imprecise distance from emotions that should be processing -
so now i can't sleep, so now what should i do now that i can't dream, and
too many dreams and drughouses
sleep surplus, elvescircuits
excess lappage, self-lappage
leavings of the blunt chemical experiment
trails of particles in tensor equations
it could be miraculous that it feels mundane

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