
Digging for purity [...such a struggle]


hiccup said...

wowo. i played this as i wrote and listened to the chemist's tales of research and development. happy belated birthday. it's good to know you're alive and still putting your thoughts out here into the cosmic consciousness. enjoyed the dig...

Hector the Crow said...

thanks lynze - man, i'm really falling off the writing wagon - or wagons that addicts fall off are negative, right? so the wagon is of non-writing, and i'm getting ON that wagon, the wagon on which it would be desire-able to fall of off - loving your prolifery lately though - not pro life-ery, but the prolific nature of your recent writing - see, all i can do is fuck around with words, but no writing to speak of, it breaks down to music, a lot of assonance and dissonance but lacking theme and architechture

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...