

Some good things going on... like I'm finding a way to enjoy this new sci-fi series. And... putting up a front of bravado against that bleakest feeling, trying not to read anything into any thoughts of fronting, it's all good. Meh. It shows me how things are empty. Not that I agree, but it shows me, again and again, pretty convincingly. Gotta fill somehow, flood fill.

The technological updates in this sci-fi show are analogous to modern conveniences like dishwashers, or more contemporaneously, streaming videos on the internet, the guy is worried his employers are gonna screw him out of growing a new arm, after he got it sheared off by a chunk of ice they were mining that unexpectedly shattered - to have that option, theoretically, of growing a new arm sure sounds like a wondrous new age, but why'd he have to get it cut off in the first place, and why is it only theoretical, the really ugly reality of capitalism grinding on into later centuries puts a damper on things, like in every age. What do self-important media assholes always say when we talk about inequality? The poor are so lucky, luckier than ever, they have dishwashing machines, clothes drying machines, smart phones, why are they complaining? Just work harder. Live, work work work work, die.


chels said...

Are you watching The Expanse?! I love that show.

Hector the Crow said...

yeah, it's not amazing to me so far, but i do find the interplanetary political intrigue pretty cool, and i hear it gets better

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