
Walled cities... the warp that wears off quicker than salvia... this is my channel, this is your channel... pre-mid-life-crisis.

Ramalamashanka da dunk a chunk cha chunk cha THUNK, dropping a litter of muelling cabbages, the thirty year old curmudgeon, respect the young man, that kinda young man, older and wiser is not always so inseparable - no, I don't want to dance, I'm not about to boogie. Everybody must not boogie. Non serviam. I Claudius.

Lame - don't be lame - don't be negative - don't - do NOT do that - don't do what Donny Don't does. Prevent forest fires. Take a bite out of crime. Hippo promoted to detective.

What is left? What is there? When the mind has crusted, become geological, thinks at a glacial pace, is too careful, too responsible. Utopia is nowhere.

E-coins are everywhere. You could make everything out of E-coins. You could make e-coins of everything. Make them mean what you want. What I need.

What are they gonna do, with the people I hope get in office? How are they gonna get rid of them? The heart attack gun didn't work apparently, but they weren't enough of a threat then. C'mon, problem solve. Endless creativity for ways to kill or co-opt.

Don't despair. Make it happen.

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