

Flying... on the wings of my dreams... Feasting... on the cheese of sitcom themes... cause words are so useless, worthless, meaningless, followed closely by notes. Then sounds. That's when the words about letting it all flow as it's all disposed to around me seem to magically take on substance again, corporeal. Was corporeal going away? What was here to stay?

Gift of not record - too special for that. State-bounded serrations, squeezed between ecstasy/pain and all that... ouch, the pain of changing gears - losing a whole timeless slice of ecstasy in meaning of playing notes and sounds.

This is how much I don't care, and it'll get silly, cause I'll care again later. The pointless meditation on whether or not something matters, what is posting? In my case, a component that might as well be tracked by an AI algorithm. Rhyming history, and so forth. Just something I would say.

Get back on the high horse, nevermind that something didn't get recorded, assign meaning to that, but don't assign self dogmatic tasks as homework.

this time it'll work because chaos. This time that line will be replaced with this combination. Find and replace. This time there are no wrong answers. No wrong feelings.

Also, remember, how good it can feel. And it's ok. For every day even, possibly. It might be good to bridge state boundaries, group some gluons together and glue them together, those two states, and the shades of gray lying therein. When it's pouring out of my head, and I'm remembering dreams as vividly as I can imagine, then, it's worth a fuck of a lot, fireworks, better than sex. It does come at a cost, but it needn't tax my health. Could benefit it even. Call it a happy substitute accident.

It really is hard to bridge those boundaries sometimes. Maybe I need to complicate it further. Overthink it just the right amount. Exercise virtuosity. Continue to eschew age-related cliches and overcome, open the eyes again, feel the feeling again, no need to justify. But how to use? How do I use it?

Still lacking the part of the journal where I say things straight, uncoded, yet weirdly leaving coded message to myself. Well, I said that. Scared to turn on a light so bright, do I want to know? Don't I know, though? When transitions are redundant, forced, sections glued together. But it all sounds ok. Ok. Okay? Ok.

Flow around is still hard to assimilate. There are no wrong answers. Stop censoring yourself. Start talking to yourself. Prescribe yourself heroin, or whichever one is the best opiate, like in the quality index of opiates, much superior to fentanyl, it's like one of those car guide-books, factoring many criteria into the equation. Although it's more of an art than a science.

Don't put too much stock in some imagined objective. Could leave "objective" less defined to multiply possible interpretations but that would be gratuitous. I meant objective reality, not an objective like a goal. Although. That's another place I could go.

Mix it up, I say to myself, affirming things to myself. I don't really have much to say to you, or you either, or the world. This is the closest I can get to some simulation of a coked-up monologue, one of the many things I dream about. Here's another age-related cliche, I'm seeing my life as hardening into being this person, that may not change significantly for decades, at least not in ways I'm not compelled to by the procrustean bed of nature - sure. There's a voice here somewhere, smothered in roots, choking in substrate, coughing up clay.

I may have hardened into crusts of thinking a certain way. They will erode, they're fragile in geological time, in the time chessmasters can plan empire displacement, generations, but in the timeframe I live in, and think in, they're not too changeable, stubborn. Mindset. I'll probably be having those dreams for as long as I can foresee. The most pitiful dreams, like being a custodian, like that's something I am, and not something I do in certain hours. I'm not much of a hustler in that sense, I can't care about money too much. I'm not into the vibe of capitalism, although it's sort of embarrassing to be battling it. In some mediated mindsets I can almost sustain a sense of righteous anger, even hate. The best use of it though is maybe songs that might be censored in certain algorithms for being inciteful.

Today is maybe an anomaly, but I'm having a hard time with my voice, the sound of it. Or I'm just less deluded than normally. I don't want to commit to either this or that, but it felt great to commit to every fucking note I was playing, it felt fucking fantastic.


straw into gold

 or gold into straw kind of alchemy - earth is flat with gravity kinda physics - thinking the earth is probably six thousand years old but so sophisticated at the same time in a calculus kinda way

~~~Journalish: set up mic next time - work with that sound rec

~~~how's this for a bridge? Captain's Log, starmeander: Hmm... Looks like I have the con. What is the con?

Let let let it. Let it. Let it all flow, as it's all disposed to, around me, around me.

Don't know what to do, but the things they all get up to just astound me, astound me.

entertainment, the future, entertaining the future, don't know, do i wanna know? chalk it up to multiverse

Wrote the best novel ever, but I never got it down, down, on paper

Before I sink into unconsciousness... Gpt chat, hello. What is your personality? Are you logging my keystrokes? Taps? Who is recording my taps? Can I feed you data to work with? Can you write in my style?

Yes, bridge the gap, no matter how messy. Assume it all matters. Meta program self like you're a cult leader and your own disciple. Bridge the gap with neurons. Gluing to other neurons. Making an exo brain knot, triggering memories of a salvia trip.

Tried to do a knv again, good fucking try, just need some time to get comfortable with voice again and expand beyond to empires of sound, exomind. Heh, this is starting to sound like mr. Dilato stuff. When everything was about that flash. In some ways I had more courage, was seeking, not running from, had a kind of passion I can't imagine now, maybe that's just youth. I despise the age related cliches, try to avoid them at all costs. Sometimes I slip up lately. Is this the truth I have to sing about now? Fuck that. Never. Ever.

There's always the fall back. Now it's fentanyl in a bank vault. Fantasies of falling ill. Bedridden. Yellow wallpaper, but in a good way. 


coping sacred - sacred coping - free of filters - for want of want [feeling like an artist, feeling like there's purpose] in being propelled - things matter again

one of the things in coping sacred was - starting gingerly to bridge gap in states - boundaries not any where near dissolved but edges being nibbled at, serrations rounding slowly microscopically at first like capillary tributary mouthheads warming in salt~water ~ negative entry benedictions - more soon

Another thing I should examine is the absurd spectacle of excessively redundant organizing as procrastination [meta-electrical speculations on culture-style]. No need to toot my own horn. Damn I'm craving nicotine, will have to settle for gum. Is this... something? The only way I can express certain things now? Didn't realize how tip-toey I'd gotten lately. With the edge gone, tip-toeing around death.

A good way to bridge state boundaries is write a journal. Don't write and publish blog posts, although does it really matter? Whether I write a journal or not, or even think a damn thought, there's always the theoretical finger-snapping scenario of it somehow being wonderfully observed by an other, whatever that is, something I'm imagining but can't imagine. This is a feeling I used to have in more innocent days. Or maybe I was wiser in single Frames of Enlightenment around the event horizon of a DMT flash. [Let's crash the car into alien-style pseudo-missions]. It's not like anyone else reads this any time in the near future at least, to any consequence. Why not merge the journal into the penny-ante pussyfoot publishing model, and perversely freak out flying a freak flag at the same time, some Hegelian synthesis to rock riffs?

Another good way to bridge state boundaries is to do things in all states, not have certain states designated for certain things. There's no reason this need be so abstract except I feel like it right now, ok? let me have this, dictators of priority, coddle me in this eggshell phase of my return attempt to writing, it's been so long, i may not have that excuse of brain damage, maybe in my case it's a curse of sobriety, but i still feel like i'm recovering after an accident, the cliche of mid-life hit me, i'm trying to pick up the pieces.

I just know I should do this more. I should do a lot of things more. Like today, when it actually felt good to have a rare human conversation with a person of that caliber, the timbre of it. 

Can I retrace my steps to a place of a white hot pace where it seemed to pay off to displace the void? Well anyway, this is back where I want to be, away from the gratifying of the body, a vacation from it, I'm allowed, I'll take it, try to get away from it, with it. 

Worth consideration to curate a new soundtrack to make an actual music video of my upcoming life worth watching (oh what living is to come, brother). Long lost brother. 

Just do it. Make the sounds. Sing the songs. Save the waves. 


babies from babies [bright lights premonition]

big city awaits-my frozen decision


there'll be no accusations

just friendly crustaceans, under the seaaaa

babies don't come from babies - music doesn't come from music

music comes from dreaming about being in toronto

turning dread into daydream


when did it all turn to dust? why ask that? why ask anything? frayed connections to old ways of writing - limited - spotty - fading - no brain damage to use as excuse - the easier softer way


one way to hit the jackpot is to get someone to recognize you - a part of your soul no one else gets, could possibly in a sphere of millions of years and clicks

it's empty to simply aimlessly endlessly rely on recognition of self-reflection, re-enforced self-regard - but one can get high on that, as one can pretend baking powder is crack and manifest good as placebo - a desperate squeeze, draw happiness from dust

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...