
straw into gold

 or gold into straw kind of alchemy - earth is flat with gravity kinda physics - thinking the earth is probably six thousand years old but so sophisticated at the same time in a calculus kinda way

~~~Journalish: set up mic next time - work with that sound rec

~~~how's this for a bridge? Captain's Log, starmeander: Hmm... Looks like I have the con. What is the con?

Let let let it. Let it. Let it all flow, as it's all disposed to, around me, around me.

Don't know what to do, but the things they all get up to just astound me, astound me.

entertainment, the future, entertaining the future, don't know, do i wanna know? chalk it up to multiverse

Wrote the best novel ever, but I never got it down, down, on paper

Before I sink into unconsciousness... Gpt chat, hello. What is your personality? Are you logging my keystrokes? Taps? Who is recording my taps? Can I feed you data to work with? Can you write in my style?

Yes, bridge the gap, no matter how messy. Assume it all matters. Meta program self like you're a cult leader and your own disciple. Bridge the gap with neurons. Gluing to other neurons. Making an exo brain knot, triggering memories of a salvia trip.

Tried to do a knv again, good fucking try, just need some time to get comfortable with voice again and expand beyond to empires of sound, exomind. Heh, this is starting to sound like mr. Dilato stuff. When everything was about that flash. In some ways I had more courage, was seeking, not running from, had a kind of passion I can't imagine now, maybe that's just youth. I despise the age related cliches, try to avoid them at all costs. Sometimes I slip up lately. Is this the truth I have to sing about now? Fuck that. Never. Ever.

There's always the fall back. Now it's fentanyl in a bank vault. Fantasies of falling ill. Bedridden. Yellow wallpaper, but in a good way. 

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