
Escher's First House

Our very fine house has some very odd angles to it - it's 120 years olde, so years of settling has put nearly everything at odd angles. Cabinets, mirrors, especially the floors. We have the entire top half of this turquoise blue Victorian. Here's the tour, a' la Raz.

Here's our view from the back - we hardly use the front door:

Our kick-ass balcony!:

Here's J'than, cleaning the windows in the kitchen:

More of the kitchen:

Here's the view out of kitchen windows - another pretty Victorian! It's condemned, which for some reason makes it prettier to me:

Methmaker making musicmeth on the keyboard:

Me lounging in my room. I was wondering if the cameraman, who shall remain nameless, had yet figured out which button to push:

Matt's chickendance! Bawk!

Me doing the moose, appropriately named "Blurwinkle":

Well that's it for now, oh hey, it's J'than, cleaning the window of my car!

He's done, yay! Now I can see out of my window!

OK, kids, hope you enjoyed! More to come when my crappy little batteries get recharged!

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