Here's our view from the back - we hardly use the front door:

Our kick-ass balcony!:

Here's J'than, cleaning the windows in the kitchen:

More of the kitchen:

Here's the view out of kitchen windows - another pretty Victorian! It's condemned, which for some reason makes it prettier to me:

Methmaker making musicmeth on the keyboard:

Me lounging in my room. I was wondering if the cameraman, who shall remain nameless, had yet figured out which button to push:

Matt's chickendance! Bawk!

Me doing the moose, appropriately named "Blurwinkle":

Well that's it for now, oh hey, it's J'than, cleaning the window of my car!

He's done, yay! Now I can see out of my window!

OK, kids, hope you enjoyed! More to come when my crappy little batteries get recharged!
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