
genetic defect

it’s not for lack of trying
it’s not for lack of knowledge
it’s not a lack of smarts
it’s not a lack of heart

it’s a fundamental flaw
it’s a fundamental flaw

it’s the
genetic defect

they gave me everything they could
but i’m stuck with my defect
the double whammy effect
but it worked for them
they found a context for their genes
i have none

where’s my defective counterpart?
is it diminishing returns?
devolution’s half-life?

destiny in loser-love
is to find one with the same set against them
the same double whammy
of ugly and awkward
to produce the next gen of loser
the quadruple whammy kid

i thought i met my defective counterpart
my insecure, neurotic soulmate
but at some point
she decided she was better

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