
Keep {Unsold}

Those old dissoc days. Let it pile on in plainchantique and common table lather. That sort of goes together checkered detritus. Yes. I've lost, I've gained, courting Becky's amplifier, alright, I'll throw it in there. Precise Detritus. Yes. There's a band name, for 2 seconds. What is it about? It's not like I'm trying to cut to the chase of perception. I've been bubbling and bouncing around the boil of the mystik truth, stiky and ugly - is it too hot? What do you think? I think I carved a whole into the tree just for me, white blur, too freeeel. Freellly mee. Yeah. Kreal. So should I just keep this draingame going? Yes, of course. Sproiyoiyoiyoiyoi

ya, and so forthumanting

Dayaman bitmonxicrantzethx. Worz occurz. You knew what wouldhappen were I left to me own devices. Cares would sit unsold. Unsold. I have no conviction, but plenty of chaos. Lets call it rocket fuel. Was gonna write songs, instead skirted this checkered and pulsed ambient freefreeefrickin fallin , not getin across, must transcribe chaos

Yeah, I know. It's sketchy. But it's so much bigger than me or you. Okay. But that lends itself to artistic filters and headtrips. Jesuscorpus what does it matter anyway? Well, lets not drag pointscars into this fucking nexuois, or why not, it's just me and my music, and maybe i'll fiddle with the concoction, add more k, in a sec... but everything is practically perfect

i'm grilling myself - why - what is the - bounce - 6 - 9 - 60 - 90 - 00 - 2000ummmm, okay, am i recreating, mining, what the fuck am i doing? When I join myself in heaven with jimi on guitar - who has the mantra? Just checked in. Okay, more K. Cause if I can write, then I'm not tripping right. Right? Even if my overall sense of gravity is spinning to the left and down and around and wow, lol, that's pretty cool, okay, nevermind, it's cool.

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...