

sleep leads to sleep
trapped in a series of rooms, appalling imagery, unable to wake up
until finally i snapped awake, for real, in the real room
could barely move, another long struggle to twitch the first limb
another long struggle to finally raise myself
to come down here
to stare blankly for a few minutes
to finally write
that i want to sleep again, but i'm worried what might be there
and guilty about how much i've already slept
feel like it's giving in to sickness

but i set my alarm this time, got an escape mechanism

damned interesting dreams, but it got to be too much
i knew, even in dreaming, that i should wake up
but trying turned nightmare

i know i should try and stay awake, break this cycle
that's become a tightening spiral
but there doesn't seem much worth being awake for
seems like the world is buckling
under an increasing weight of invalids
who can manage all this strain?

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