
i'm not your problem anymore?

okay then

i stuck with you, through your misery
your bottomless depression, your masochism
your infidelity, your depression
your manias, your excess video rentals
your coffee and baileys, your album, your drinking
your driving me around parsons, your convenience store job
your drinking, your smoking out in the cold
your smoking in escher's house, your st. vincents shopping sprees
your laughter, your depression, your depression
your depression, your depression, seemed worth it
despite misery, a co-dependency, synergy
in the understanding of mutual anxiety, something
to stick with, till the end

i'm the dumbass who stuck around, you say
but I'M not YOUR problem, anymore
cause i'm bipolar, too much for you to deal with
I'M too BIPOLAR, one minute insanely sad
the next minute loving you
who can come to grips with such madness? madness
it's almost as if i'm heartbroken or something
like i've resorted to that cliche

well i'm not your problem
and you needn't phone me sober
drunk will do, cause that's what you do
you only call people drunk, that's how you roll
so i shouldn't expect to ever hear you again
without slurred speech and screaming curses
cause i'm not your problem anymore
talking to me sober is problematic for you
and i wouldn't want to cause you problems
cause i'm not your problem anymore
you escaped - have a wonderful life
like a zoloft commercial
i'm sure you'll be a happy
family, i bet you get along great
with his kid

so, how do i purge five years?
how does an archivist delete five years of his life?
recordings are everywhere, collaborative songs
labours of love, but they've gotta go, like
for real, not just the recycle bin, but this time
the backups too, this is the real purge, cause it's gotta die
so she says, and she finally convinced me
letters letters - digital, hard copies, birthday cards
half my clothes are from her, no three quarters
so i guess i’ll do the thrift store on my own now and
drawings, jewelry, uh oh, she bought that book for me
well it's just a book, i can get it at the library
so i’ll toss it, along with all the pictures
wallpaper, digicam photos, videos
self-confidence, security, love, purpose
everything must go, liquidate

i'm not her problem anymore


Tasha Klein said...

ok, so it is over. it is like a death.
however, u have groupies, give them a chance.
send all 'collaborative songs' to a friend. they are too good to trash, no matter what the circumstance.
just my 2 cents.

Hector the Crow said...

thanks tasha

hiccup said...

heh, been feeling this way ...about not problems, about my disease vs his or his or...grrrrr. ok, time to start pickin on love again.

if only my heart didn't feel like a burnt out resistor.

Tasha Klein said...

L., cut it out. not the heart, but the disease. xo

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