
guest blog

do the hectrizm - brought to you by doritos and the arcade fire:

Guest blot on J's blog? Holly S***... what an honour.

shakzula tha micrula
tha oldskula, ya wanna trip? i'll bring it to ya

At this moment, Tom Waits is rolling in his grave (even though he is not dead... yet), because John Malkovich has been replaced by "The River Dance". Are these Jon Voigt's teeth marks on my car? Cabalistic cannibalism. The sequence of words that is the "YOU ARE" object on Forgeche's bumper... "De 'la Leon". D'aeon.

Sweet, innocent, and blessed Adolescent at play with monochrome chromaticism.

jack would approve, even in his lantern - "forgetaboutit".

but don't lose, nothing lasts, nothing is lost
holy coughing christmas, the absurdity continues

i am a good battery
i am rechargable

fight the power that be
or perhaps fight yourself...

Me eat sandwich now!

now i'm at a loss for words
one two three, the mirror's black
not the smoothest segue in the world, but fuck it
and peel the noir scales of the eastern seaboard serpentine
the most awful circumstances of justice and karma have been tipped by the loss of a nephew's hero

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I'll bang out some quick text. Quickly glue it altogether with swag. Bang a quick hit of false confidence. Mmm. Feels fucking good. That...