
what the fuck, eh?

I used to be talented,
Now i move furniture

i used to have skillz man
now i'm divorced, single, whatever you wanna call it

I can sadly no longer sleep beside
My child and the woman I loved

she's a bitch

what the fuck, eh?

my baby left me
she's with some dude named steve now
i guess, i think he knocked her up
that's why she won't talk to me
she knows it would devastate me, if i knew

That's Me

but it's okay
cause i wash dishes by day
and by night
i do the Hectrizm


it's a chizm in yo chasm

you twist until you froth!

he's gettin some shit
oh yeah
this is how we do it on creek street
it's sorta like how they do it in tampa
but not quite
it's almost like how they do it in north carolina
jack digs that shit

i'll turn it down completely
just for you
but under my breath
i do ride the greyhound bus

inuit style

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